Psy Knitter

One year later...

Totally embarrassed.

So... life happens. And life gets in the way. But life's too short to worry about blogging on a semi-consistent basis, as much as I would love to.

One reason for my absence includes my lack of knitting. It sucks because it's something I love to do, but I've been so busy with work and learning and training. I'm nearing the end of my postdoc, which is sad and stressful given that I don't have a position or job lined up after this. So I've been training to switch careers and transition into data science. It's been a tremendous learning experience, and it's clear to me that I have much more to learn. Also, I've neglected my beloved muay thai. It's a lot of things that I'd like to pick up again.

In any case, I hope to come back more often and share some things about my interests. But no pressure. :)

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