Psy Knitter

Bigger on the Inside

To celebrate this universal Doctor Who Comic Day (and pump myself up for the new season starting in September), I finished these lovelies:

Tardis Socks by Keladry B
Needle: Size 1
Yarn: Lorna's Laces Sock Yarn, Navy (and Knitpicks leftovers in Palette cream and Gloss Black)
Skeins: 2 (for the main color)
Size: women's foot size 7 (see modification below)

These are the fastest socks I've ever knit. I've eyed the pattern for the longest time, but I desisted until I could fine the proper yarn at the most affordable price. As soon as I saw a very generous raveler offer these Lorna's Laces skeins for sale, I knew I hit jackpot. Lorna's laces is FANTASTIC. Soft but sturdy. I do think that this yarn should be knit on smaller needles to make a denser fabric that can withstand friction, but that's just me. (The color in the first pic is the most accurate, I'd say.)

I did have to make a few modifications to the pattern. As written, I would have ended up with man-size socks so I had to play with the numbers. Fortunately, I ended up with the best fitting socks for me. Here is the pattern I ended up with:


Using MC, CO: 64 stitches
*K1tbl, P1* around for 20 rows.
Increase Row: *K8, M1* around. 72 stitches total.

Colorwork sections:
Using MC, knit 1 round. Break yarn.
Using CC1 and CC2, work chart A (Police Box chart).
Break CC1 yarn.

Using MC:
Knit 1 round.
Purl 1 round.
Decrease Row: *K10, K2TOG* around. 66 stitches total.

Using MC and CC2, work chart B (windows chart).
Break CC2.

Textured Door Panels:
Follow Bonni's Notes
Row 1: K around
Row 2: (sl1wyib, drop yo, p10)
Row 3: (sl1, k10)
Row 4: (k1, yo, k10)
Row 5: (sl1wyib, drop yo, k10)
Row 6: (sl1, k10)
Row 7: (k1, yo, k10)
Row 8: (sl1wyib, drop yo, k10)
Row 9: (sl1, k10)
Row 10: (k1, yo, k10)
Row 11: (sl1wyib, drop yo, k10)
Row 12: (sl1, k10)
Row 13: (k1, yo, k10)
Row 14: (sl1wyib, drop yo, k10)
Row 15: (sl1, k10)
Row 16: (k1, yo, k10)
Repeat 2-16 twice more.

Next row: Sl1, drop yo, k10 around.
Purl 1 round.
Knit 1 round.

At this point, I followed another pattern to make the heel/foot/toe: Grumperina's Jaywalkers.
(see her pattern for further info)

Center heel:
K17, turn.
Sl1, P32 (this makes the heel flap. The other 33 stitches make the instep, and can be placed aside for later.)

Heel flap:
Row 1: *Sl1, K1* repeat until one stitch left, Sl last stitch.
Row 2: P33
Repeat these 2 rounds 16 times total.

Turn Heel:
Row 1: Sl1, K18, SSK, K1, turn.
Row 2: Sl1, P5, P2TOG, P1, turn.
Row 3: Sl1, K within 1 stitch of gap, SSK, K1, turn.
Row 4: Sl1, P within 1 stitch of gap, P2TOG, P1, turn.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 until all heel stitches are worked (19 stitches remain).

Heel Gusset:
Next row: Sl1, K18, pick up and knit 16 stitches, work 33 stitches, pick up 16 stitches, work 9 from heel. (Note: I knit these using 4 total needles, meaning three needles with live stitches and one working needle.) The beginning of the round is at the center of the heel.

Shape Gusset:
Row 1: [Work to 3 stitches on needle 1, K2TOG, K1], [knit all stitches on needle 2], [on needle 3, K1, SSK and knit until end of round.]
Row 2: Knit all stitches.
Repeat these two rows until 33 total stitches remain on needles 1 and 3.

Continue knitting around until foot measures approx. 2" less than desired finished length (about 50 rows for me).

Shape Toe:
Rearrange stitches so there are 17 stitches on needles 1 and 3, and 32 stitches on needle 2.
Round 1: [Needle 1: work to 3 stitches until end of needle, K2TOG, K1], [Needle 2: K1, SSK, knit all stitches until 3 stitches until end of needle, K2TOG, K1], [Needle 3: K1, SSK, knit until end of round]
Round 2: Knit all stitches
Repeat these 2 rows until 28 stitches remain.

Divide stitches evenly and Kitchener the toe.
Weave in all ends.

I hate weaving ends in at the end, so I wove then in as I knit. Makes for easy finishing. Also, I didn't need to cross-stitch over the lettering.

I am really happy with how these turned out. Knitting geeky items is the best.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your mods! Think these will be a perfect fit for myself and both my Whovian children. :)

  2. Thank you! I hope the explanation was clear. These really are so cute!
