Psy Knitter


Salutations and well wishes for the new year, you guys!

I believe 2012 will be...a good year. Nay, a great year filled with adventure and positivity!

So most people do the whole resolution thing. I don't subscribe to this custom because if I don't make any, then I won't feel like a failure when I inevitably fall short of keeping them. It's self-preservation, you see. But I'll make the effort to think more positive; we can all benefit from that, I think.

Anyway, because I like flexing my brain muscle and keeping my thoughts occupied, I've decided to do some more non-academic reading this year. You know, just regular old fiction, perhaps of the fantasy/sci-fi variety. Although I'll pick up anything that tickles my fancy or has a cool looking jacket. Because apparently you can judge a book by its cover. 

And to help me keep on track, I've signed up for the Cannonball Read IV. Born out of the Pajiba community (check my links box to learn more about these delightfully snarky individuals), the Cannonball Read is a competition to see how many books you can read (and subsequent reviews you can write) in one year. The Cannonball Read has different levels depending on the target number of books you'd like to read; I chose 13 books for the year, a nice and achievable number. 

The competition is open to anyone, so go check it out! Test yourself and prove your reading mettle!

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