Psy Knitter

For the love of Gaia!

Happy Earth Day, everyone!

Although this new-ish "holiday" does feel somewhat commercial and geared towards making you spend spend spend, ultimately the intention of lowering our carbon footprint is what truly matters.

So I've decided to help our environment in the smallest way I can and exercise my green thumb by planting my own home garden. It will be a mix of culinary and medicinal herbs since I live in a teeny apartment and can't grow anything bigger than a potted plant. If I learn enough, maybe I'll tap into their healing properties and use them to make tinctures, bitters, ointments and the like. I'll bring out my inner herbalist, yo.

So far I've planted:

SPEARMINT: This is actually a little sprig of spearmint that was given to me as a gift by a neighbor. Very fresh smelling and good for colds and chest congestion, apparently.

ECHINACEA: These were planted today. Echinacea blooms into large purplish flowers, and has been demonstrated to strengthen the immune system. I hope to use these since I've been getting colds every couple of months for the past year or so.

CHAMOMILE: Sweet little white flowers; is a natural relaxant, aids in sleep and digestion.

YARROW: A sort of panacea. Bunches of small white flowers have been demonstrated to stop blood flow, treat headaches, fevers, and mild pains. I can't wait until these two bloom.

SWEET BASIL: I planted my basil a couple of weeks ago and they seem to be growing in quite nicely.

So there you have it, my urban jungle. I hope to grow a couple of more types of plants and see whether I can turn my apartment into a minuscule greenhouse.

Now everyone go hug a tree; I'll wait until you get back.

Go green!

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